
We want to memorize the results of previous recursive computations so the we can reuse them and save ourselves from having to redo certain recursive computations. (Time vs space tradeoff; we're using more space to save ourselves time)

Factorial Sequence

$N! = N*(N-1)!$

$1! = 1$

In [7]:
def fac(N):
    if N == 1:
        return 1
        return N*fac(N-1)
In [8]:
print([2**N for N in range(1, 11)])
print([fac(N) for N in range(1, 11)])
[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
[1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800]

Fibonacci Sequence

In [ ]:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
1   1   2   3   5   8   13  21  34

$ fib(N) = fib(N-1) + fib(N-2)$

$ fib(1) = 1$

$ fib(2) = 1$

In [9]:
def fib(N):
    if N == 1 or N == 2:
        return 1
        return fib(N-1) + fib(N-2)
In [10]:
print([fib(N) for N in range(1, 10)])
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

Factorial vs Fibonacci

In [19]:
def fib_slow(N, counter):
    counter[0] += 1
    if N == 1 or N == 2:
        return 1
        return fib_slow(N-1, counter) + fib_slow(N-2, counter)

counter = [0]
print(fib_slow(20, counter))
print(counter, "steps")
[13529] steps
In [20]:
def fib_fast(N, counter, memory):
    memory: dict{N: fib(N)}
    counter[0] += 1
    if N == 1 or N == 2:
        return 1
        part1 = 0
        if N-1 in memory:
            part1 = memory[N-1]
            part1 = fib_fast(N-1, counter, memory)
        part2 = 0
        if N-2 in memory:
            part2 = memory[N-2]
            part2 = fib_fast(N-2, counter, memory)
        res = part1 + part2
        memory[N] = res
        return res
counter = [0]
print(fib_fast(20, counter, {}))
print(counter, "steps")
[21] steps

Ackermann Function

$A(m, n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} n+1 & m=0 \\ A(m-1, 1) & n = 0 \\ A(m-1, A(m, n-1)) & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right\}$

In [22]:
def A(m, n, depth=0, memory = {}, do_print = True):
    if (m, n) in memory:
        return memory[(m, n)]
    if m == 0:
        res = n+1
        if do_print:
            print("  "*depth, "A({}, {}) = {}".format(m, n, res))
    elif n == 0:
        if do_print:
            print("  "*depth, "A({}, {}) = A({}, {})".format(m, 0, m-1, 1))
        res = A(m-1, 1, depth+1)
        if do_print:
            print("  "*depth, "A({}, {}) = A({}, {}) = {}".format(m, 0, m-1, 1, res))
        if do_print:
            print("  "*depth, "A({}, {}) = A({}, A({}, {}))".format(m, n, m-1, m, n-1))
        res1 = A(m, n-1, depth+1)
        if do_print:
            print("  "*depth, "A({}, {}) = A({}, A({}, {})) = A({}, {})".format(m, n, m-1, m, n-1, m-1, res1))
        res = A(m-1, res1, depth+1)
        if do_print:
            print("  "*depth, "A({}, {}) = A({}, {}) = {}".format(m, n, m-1, res1, res))
    return res

A(2, 3)
 A(2, 3) = A(1, A(2, 2))
   A(2, 2) = A(1, A(2, 1))
     A(2, 1) = A(1, A(2, 0))
       A(2, 0) = A(1, 1)
         A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0))
           A(1, 0) = A(0, 1)
             A(0, 1) = 2
           A(1, 0) = A(0, 1) = 2
         A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0)) = A(0, 2)
           A(0, 2) = 3
         A(1, 1) = A(0, 2) = 3
       A(2, 0) = A(1, 1) = 3
     A(2, 1) = A(1, A(2, 0)) = A(1, 3)
       A(1, 3) = A(0, A(1, 2))
         A(1, 2) = A(0, A(1, 1))
           A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0))
             A(1, 0) = A(0, 1)
               A(0, 1) = 2
             A(1, 0) = A(0, 1) = 2
           A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0)) = A(0, 2)
             A(0, 2) = 3
           A(1, 1) = A(0, 2) = 3
         A(1, 2) = A(0, A(1, 1)) = A(0, 3)
           A(0, 3) = 4
         A(1, 2) = A(0, 3) = 4
       A(1, 3) = A(0, A(1, 2)) = A(0, 4)
         A(0, 4) = 5
       A(1, 3) = A(0, 4) = 5
     A(2, 1) = A(1, 3) = 5
   A(2, 2) = A(1, A(2, 1)) = A(1, 5)
     A(1, 5) = A(0, A(1, 4))
       A(1, 4) = A(0, A(1, 3))
         A(1, 3) = A(0, A(1, 2))
           A(1, 2) = A(0, A(1, 1))
             A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0))
               A(1, 0) = A(0, 1)
                 A(0, 1) = 2
               A(1, 0) = A(0, 1) = 2
             A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0)) = A(0, 2)
               A(0, 2) = 3
             A(1, 1) = A(0, 2) = 3
           A(1, 2) = A(0, A(1, 1)) = A(0, 3)
             A(0, 3) = 4
           A(1, 2) = A(0, 3) = 4
         A(1, 3) = A(0, A(1, 2)) = A(0, 4)
           A(0, 4) = 5
         A(1, 3) = A(0, 4) = 5
       A(1, 4) = A(0, A(1, 3)) = A(0, 5)
         A(0, 5) = 6
       A(1, 4) = A(0, 5) = 6
     A(1, 5) = A(0, A(1, 4)) = A(0, 6)
       A(0, 6) = 7
     A(1, 5) = A(0, 6) = 7
   A(2, 2) = A(1, 5) = 7
 A(2, 3) = A(1, A(2, 2)) = A(1, 7)
   A(1, 7) = A(0, A(1, 6))
     A(1, 6) = A(0, A(1, 5))
       A(1, 5) = A(0, A(1, 4))
         A(1, 4) = A(0, A(1, 3))
           A(1, 3) = A(0, A(1, 2))
             A(1, 2) = A(0, A(1, 1))
               A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0))
                 A(1, 0) = A(0, 1)
                   A(0, 1) = 2
                 A(1, 0) = A(0, 1) = 2
               A(1, 1) = A(0, A(1, 0)) = A(0, 2)
                 A(0, 2) = 3
               A(1, 1) = A(0, 2) = 3
             A(1, 2) = A(0, A(1, 1)) = A(0, 3)
               A(0, 3) = 4
             A(1, 2) = A(0, 3) = 4
           A(1, 3) = A(0, A(1, 2)) = A(0, 4)
             A(0, 4) = 5
           A(1, 3) = A(0, 4) = 5
         A(1, 4) = A(0, A(1, 3)) = A(0, 5)
           A(0, 5) = 6
         A(1, 4) = A(0, 5) = 6
       A(1, 5) = A(0, A(1, 4)) = A(0, 6)
         A(0, 6) = 7
       A(1, 5) = A(0, 6) = 7
     A(1, 6) = A(0, A(1, 5)) = A(0, 7)
       A(0, 7) = 8
     A(1, 6) = A(0, 7) = 8
   A(1, 7) = A(0, A(1, 6)) = A(0, 8)
     A(0, 8) = 9
   A(1, 7) = A(0, 8) = 9
 A(2, 3) = A(1, 7) = 9
In [23]:
x = (1, 2) # A tuple in python is "immutable" and is not allowed to change
           # so we can use it as a key in a dictionary that remembers things
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-bc51f0ed26bd> in <module>
      1 x = (1, 2)
----> 2 x[0] = 5

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
In [ ]: